in search of peace, tranquality
searched the life eagerly all over,
my conscience looked your image
in side the heart with full swing
your angelic touch changed the life
and i began to analyze myself,
all the negative emotions were
altered, shaped to multi dimensional
bloom of unknown flower, tender, full
of fragrance, a deep feeling to love
the planet with new experiences,
violence changed in form of kid s
smile, desires surrender the lust,
i felt myself a person of new birth,
the flames of revolt slow down
bitterness diluted, harmonious
songs of adoration tuned itself,
unseen flow merged my egos -
i crossed the line of fear to accept
that your love made me human,
i do not know the classification
of love, i am far away from you
and unable to see your existence,
but i believe my soul is near to you.
-- shantanu sanyal