Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Life does not stay in one place
Please turn over the page, new
Notes has written by the season,
Wanderer clouds have indistinct
Objective, who are waiting on the
Bank, before I did not see them,
Looking toward the evening sky,
Those faces have been extinct or
Vanished, I do not know, a long
Time ago they resided near the
Gigantic River, erected victory -
Tower built the flying bridges to
Touch the sky, in the moonless
Night, it’s heard that they sit
Encircle to mourn the past epoch,
Ruins’ have nothing except the
Silence, the self-excavation says
History repeats itself, but when
And how, nobody knows, the
Shifting riverbed reminds often, the
Shadow leaves the company of
Body whenever destiny betrays,
Other sides barren land now
Blooming with new dreams, who
Left the umbra in appropriate time,
Have been crossed the intensity
Of eclipse, illumination is now
Inviting them for opulence, the
Wise souls resettled there, they do
Not cry for history, their aim is
To discover new trail to reach the
Unexplored, strange, millions galaxies,

This world has no clemency, many
Times crusader had ransacked the
Temple and blamed to innocent,
The patches on the clothes were
Not the birthmark, injured emotion
Often sat on the court stairs to
Prove the honesty, nobody has the
Spare time to think for wet eyes,
I know that prosecutor, who
Delivered the long speech in the
Name of liberation, in the darkness
Numerous times, he sold the soul,
In exchange of few currencies,
The so-called messiah of community
Repeatedly hunted the lame
Herbivores, law of jungle is hidden
In the heart, the ointment of
Compassion has the dramatic appeal,
In search of opportunity his eyes
Betrayed several times, the patched
Clothes had some vulnerable stitch,
A fear to damage further, emotion
Preferred to strip it, this way
Of survival is reality of life, wounded
Dreams have no morning, they
Wait, perhaps for a miracle in life,
The daybreak on the beautiful
Aristocratic window, from the balcony
The landscape looks the paradise,
Beneath the tall trees, grasses are dried!

Might be someone was messianic
Heart otherwise in this burning
Path not possible to walk bare feet,
They asked the raison d'être of our
Survival in the extreme desert, how
To elucidate that dreams do not
Want to surrender, let the moon has
To sleep for a moment on the
Silence of graveyard, souls geared up
To protest for justice, they don’t
Wait for morning, the horse of knight,
Refuse to oblige feudalism, here
Atrocities are not the nightmare it’s a
Challenge to prove the magnitude,
Though they didn’t unwind since a
Decade, by blazing chest, life is existed,
This shadow of ruined wall indicates
Morning is nearer to river bank, the
Whip hands lost the cord, speechless
Faces had the volcanic vigor, the Libra
Hands can’t cheat forever the mass,
The ersatz character has limitation
In the horizon hands are raising to sky,
They have no patience to wait for
Prophecy’s consequence, tonight has
To decide the fate of king and kin,
Souls have decided to follow the path
Of unseen messiah, lives in the
Perception of miseries, victim of injustice
Have been awaken to get their share,