Tuesday, 28 June 2011


between us nothing was screened
crouched several times before you
shedding layers you loved to much
teeth mark, saliva spot, nail punch
etching sensation of chest hair, all
together condensed often on the
edges of burning lips,the low tidal
waves while brought you far away,
shrinkage of passion carried me
afore the life sized mirror to see my
exposed masculinity, here I found
subact your seductive magical art
as a creeper trying to climb again
again on the body, not touching the
heart, you failed to win me often
curve line of circle does not allowed
you have no choice, just excursion
around my persona to get the bliss,
this virulent moment makes the life
more beautiful affluent esoteric too,
In spite of all the outbreak of desire
the soul doesn't felt composure,or
peace of mind, somewhere you look
incomplete, deficient a discarded
skeleton only, died fish on the beach
evening walkers are going after
crossing the beautiful corporal world,
in that moment, unblinking eyes said,
all the confessional secrets of heart,
I underlined your emotion infinitude
way, embraced you in multi- folds !


The never – ending expression,
Says numerous unrefined path
Waiting fervently in the life,
Apart the physical achievement,
A few allegiances couldn’t
Complete yet, might be your
Aspire to get me was finale turn,
But my objective exist in the
Nameless land of aesthetic dream,
The corporal frame wants rid of
A pretended desire, spirit looks for
The eternal pleasure, a revival
Of belief, to see the planet by
Third eye, nascent beauty, freedom
From all the negativity, feeling of
Infancy, reception of absolute truth,
Heart wants to embrace each one,
Perception going to abolish, awfully
Colors, shape, frame, features,
In the vision no more than a symbol,
How to generate an immense mural
Of entire world, under one umbrella,
Life waits to see the generosity of
The sky to scatter the immortal moon
Light on the every corner, left over
Souls, wounded blooms staring with
Stony eyes to get some drops of dew,
Continuous thirst doesn’t permit
For a snap, though someone’s body
Laying in proximity, in deep sleep, I do
Not know what’s going in your mind,
Sound of breathing I feel but how 
Much depth is in that I don’t know –