Saturday, 24 September 2011


Multifaceted vision of darkness explores
Realism of character, introvert thoughts
Becomes assertive, boondocks spreads
Their giant paw, mask of ethics falls down,
This inborn instinct reminds the strike of
Masculinity, earth desires the torrential
Rain, sky has no getaway it has to prove,
The preeminence, provocative attitude of
Thirst brings the new creation of lives on
Land, blooms spread out beauty to trap
Cavity for filling the nectar, the truth of life
Moves from one horizon to other, hard to
Control the passionate moment it travels,
Devoid of any sound from one heart to other,
Natural beauty sustained on the two axes,
Invisible overpass of love and affection
Brings us nearer to nearest, on the submit
Point, altar surface has its own grandeur,
Essence of exchanging soul or body, life gets
Maturity whenever you’re feeling for me,
A delicacy of love, the emotion to sacrifice,
The sensation of opening whorl of petals
In the first ray of sun, the soft knock of
Spring on surface of heart, overall makes
The life beautiful, we gaze the sky in
Consistent way, dawn sleep on the dream,