Saturday, 13 August 2011

that dark shadow sulked, sat down alone
on the desolated bank of gigantic river,
nobody had the time to think for a moment,
his existence or extinction didn't matter,
priest closed the temple doors, deity
needs a sound sleep, I called  repeatedly,
the evening had its own precursory,
echos explained me the reason of acedia!
this path of nouncer is not the sign of
renunciation, obtainment of dreams, extra
additional desire to win the planet with
self made principles drenched him into the
miseries, albeit all familiar faces loved
with deep reverence, thirst to look himself
 nonpareil, extraordinary, brought the
shadow near to self blaze, muddy waves
had no solution, later darkness of night
explained him to keek the inner most heart,
he returned back with abstracted, defeated,
to the realism of life, no thing was changed
nothing would be change, the flow of -
life is everlasting, its flows towards the
ebb !
before to submerge into the ocean,
river has to make the path amid the forest,

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