Saturday, 3 September 2011


you can't even come closer, I couldn't go in

remote, in that confusion life remained

sequester, the realization that freshness is

existed by you in this harsh universe, I

walked miles dernful, through the haggish

paths of nightmares, echoes haven't

betrayed me, they followed in the gauze of

sand storm, torrential rain, into the inferno,

this bonding never allows me to take up

the arms, the hypnotized smile ties me in

the unknown world, with laughing I touched

the miseries of life, created the dreams on

burning horizon,written your name on the

wet sand bed of sea shore,no problem

if turmoil waves wiped out them several times,

the life is the another form of regeneration

in one birth we have to complete the

hundred cycles the challenges never left

over the soul it chases in the infinite way.


painting by - Albert Bierstadt

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