Tuesday, 29 March 2011


Some innovative meaning in life, few
undiscovered location appeals me to
meander from one destination to other,
day and night s howling for survival
occasionally creates the unreasonable
torment, tonight heart wants to travel
beyond the life and death, a junction
where prejudice, abhorrence, favors
have no place, a horizon carries only the
beauty of heart, the lust, exploitation
have no chances to germinate there

a dream to look the transparency in
each faces, purity of smiles, truthfulness
in relations, brings in the land of bizarre!
unmasked beautiful people blooming like
the flowers on the arid land, in their eyes
I can see flow of authentic love, endless
benevolent, generosity, as mosaic colored
lotus are floating on the surface of a stable
lake in the isolation, stayed there for few
moment, waited for some of my friends
to share the amazing beauty of rare
phenomenon, far away I looked only you
eagerly waving hand, to reach nearer me,

this belief, that you follow with pure heart,
great acquirement does not allow sleeping,
I gazed entire night the comprehensive sky!
unblinking the eyelashes consistently -------


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