Saturday 7 May 2011


The woodland awaken with the
Dawn chorus, however steamy
Darkness is existed over the hills,
Night has shared some notable
Moments, somebody underlined
Delightfully the surface of heart,
“Made for each other” who have
Written on the hazy window -
Glass panes, Last night we gone
Astray in the misty forest,
Underneath the shadow of
Moonlit tall trees I have written
Poetry on your persona, the milky
Rays made some aesthetic
Drawings besides your heart, I
Filled stunning colors of nocturnal
Blooms, do you not feel the wet
Sensation, however in your breath
Masculine odor is yet subsisted,
The abandon dense clouds, in
Last before the daybreak, most
Probably they vanished after falling
Vigorously on the peak of mountain,
Just like your gentle smile, the
Ivory vapors are rising slowly
Towards the reflective blue sky,
Are you looking a dream? Beneath
The closed eyes tidal waves are
Playing with sinking moon, in this
Beautiful morning I don’t want
To wake up you, some more moment
Heart desires to see you, smiling
In sleep, so I’m going to curtain
The moisturized windowpanes,
Keeping the bunch of tender rose
Near your bed, leaving lip script -
Of good morning on your forehead,
Silently closed the doors, looking
Now lower valley with new life,

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